Friday, 14 July 2017


The Angels came to usher Mr. Sweet home, early Tuesday morning.
I know this will leave a big hole in BJ"S heart.  A heart as big as Texas it's self.  I ask that you all pray for BJ, pray for her peace and understanding.

BJ and Mr. Sweet have become a big part of our lives as we follow them through her blog.  I feel as if I am a neighbor of hers and we visit over the fence.  Actually, I am many states away but still get the blessing of knowing them.
I do know BJ is a lady that when served lemons turns around and makes knock your socks off lemonade.  I know she will use this as a blessing.
Another thing she does is make biscuits, I wish I could make biscuits but it's a southern thing.
You will want to visit BJ at

 Leave some prayers for her and keep her in your daily prayers.



  1. Yes- God bless bj and her sweet family. Life is just so hard sometimes. He was a good soul. Hope you have a great weekend-xo Diaa

    1. I feel so lucky to know BJ, and know you feel the same. I know God will bless her.

  2. awww, Nonie...this is so sweet and I thank you dearly.
    I know my heart will heal with time...right now, it's in a million pieces...and it still doesn't seem real.
    We honored his life yesterday with such a beautiful memorial.

    1. It does take time, just want you to know that even far away I am here for you.
